
October is Monarch and Milkweed Month: get free seeds!

150 150 Monarch Research Project

In recognition of October being named “Monarch and Milkweed Month” in Cedar Rapids, residents are invited to request free milkweed seed through a mail-in giveaway. Cedar Rapids Mayor Brad Hart…

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winter sowing

Winter Milkweed Sowing

240 320 Monarch Research Project

Mike has been drinking a lot of milk! And he’s doing spring work. Here are his steps for using gallon or half gallon sized milk jugs for winter sowing of…

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Smith Urban Prairie

Local Pollinator Zone is ready to GROW!

320 240 Monarch Research Project

When Lonnie Smith started thinking about establishing an area behind his new home in native habitat, he sought out the resources of the Monarch Research Project. With the offer of…

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Jabe Gonda MZ Intern

Interning at the MRS

793 991 Monarch Research Project

Jabe Gonda, Cedar Rapids native and a graduate of Wheaton College with a major in biology and minor in economics has interned at the Monarch Research Station for the past…

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Common milkweed

Going from derecho to natural diversity

563 1000 Monarch Research Project

Here’s some advice for making the transformation The Gazette is working with the Linn Landowner Forum to present a weekly series of columns about elements landowners should consider when replacing…

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Faulkes Heritage Woods

Replanting the landscape: Taking the long view of woodland recovery

375 500 Monarch Research Project

Carole Teator, Eastern Iowa Program Director at Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. The Gazette is working with the Linn Landowner Forum to present a weekly series of columns about elements landowners…

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Backyard Woodland After Derecho 2

Backyard woodlands: An important forest resource

1024 768 Monarch Research Project

Photo of Mark Vitosh, Iowa Department of Natural Resources The Gazette is working with the Linn Landowner Forum to present a weekly series of columns about elements landowners should con-sider…

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Replanting the landscape: Join the ‘unlawning’ movement

150 150 Monarch Research Project

The Gazette is working with the Linn Landowner Forum to present a weekly series of columns about elements landowners should consider when replacing trees and plants lost in the Aug.…

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Ella and Monarch

Ella hits 100!

704 1024 Monarch Research Project

Ella and the Monarch Meet Ella. She had a goal to release 100 monarchs this season and she just released her 100th monarch! Ella’s family has been rearing monarchs in…

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6x6 BioTent

How to fold a 6×6 Monarch BioTent™

912 782 Monarch Research Project

It’s that time of year! If you’ve sent your last monarchs on their way and you are ready to dismantle your 6×6 Monarch Biotent™  our own Mike Martin is here…

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