
Parks for Pollinators: Linn County BuzzBlitz – Saturday, June 8

150 150 Monarch Research Project

If you’re looking for a fun way to help out the pollinators this weekend, check out the BuzzBlitz happening at Wickiup Hill this weekend: Parks for Pollinators: Linn County’s BuzzBlitz…

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Cedar Rapids Gazette: Monarch Moonshot: Officials hope to make Linn County center of butterfly production and habitat

750 500 Monarch Research Project

MARION — The launchpad is prepared for a pair of projects aimed at making Linn County the epicenter of both monarch butterfly production and the habitat they and other pollinators…

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Monarch butterfly

Cedar Rapids Gazette: Project: More monarch habitat on the way to Cedar Rapids

668 500 Monarch Research Project

Project headed by Cedar Rapids residents secures 20,000 milkweed plugs September 4, 2015 https://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/government/project-more-monarch-habitat-on-the-way-to-cedar-rapids-20150904

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